Memory of the British Revolutions in the 17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries

Date : 3 septembre 2024
Horaire : 09h30-17h30
Lieu : Newcastle University | Armstrong Reception Rooms | Newcastle

9h30 — Introduction

11.00 Tea & Coffee

11h30Panel 1: Remembering and Commemorating
Chair : Katie East

  • Cheryl Kerry (University of East Anglia), “Honour, Memory and Lineage: Remembering the English Civil War through Funeral Memorials”
  • Waseem Ahmed (University College London), “Commemorating the Levellers: A view from Burford”
  • Stéphane Jettot (Sorbonne Université), “Memories of Jacobites Familles after the French Revolution (1789-1828)”

13h00 Lunch

14h00Panel 2: The British Revolutions – accounts and illustrations
Chair : Adam Morton

  • Myriam-Isabelle Ducrocq (Université de Paris Nanterre), “The First English Revolution in David Hume’s and Catharine Macaulay’s Histories”
  • David Norbrook (Oxford University), “Remembering Lucy Hutchinson’s Memoirs in the Nineteenth Century: Manuscript and Print”
  • Isabelle Baudino (ENS Lyon), “The art of Forgetting in Historical Illustrations of the English Revolution (18th-19th centuries)”

15h30 — Break

16h00Panel 3: The British Revolutions Abroad
Chair : Rachel Hammersley

  • Maxim Boyko (Sorbonne Université), “The English Revolutionary Upheaval seen from the Italian peninsula (17th-18th centuries)”
  • Pascal Dupuy (Université de Rouen Normandie), “French Textbooks and the English Revolutions”
  • Gaby Mahlberg (Newcastle University), “The English Revolutions in Germany”

Organisation: Adam Morton (Newcastle University), Rachel Hammersley (Newcastle University), Katie  East (Newcastle University), Claire Gheeraert-Graffeuille (Université de Rouen Normandie).

With the support of

  • Newcastle University
  • Université de Rouen Normandie
  • Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire Homme et Société
  • Équipe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Aires Culturelles