Clichés and cultural icons in Percival Everett’s fiction

Auteur : Marguerite DÉON


This paper will deal with the various functions of clichés in Percival Everett’s literary work, illustrated with examples drawn from God’s Country, Wounded, and I Am Not Sidney Poitier. It will dwell more specifically on the critical function of clichés and on the play with the reader’s expectations that is created through revisiting references and preconceived ideas.



Marguerite Déon is writing a Masters thesis on clichés in Percival Everett’s work of fiction, as part of her Masters Studies in American Literature at Rouen University. She was first trained in « classes préparatoires littéraires » before joining the English Department at Rouen University. She has a passion for literature and started writing poems and narratives in high school, then took part in the Creative Writing workshops held by British writer James Friel at Rouen University. She draws, taking her inspiration from Egon Schiele and Niki de Saint Phalle, practices drama and often travels in Europe She worked as a hostess at the Palais Bénédictine in Fécamp, more particularly in the contemporary art exhibition space, then as a trilingual guide (French-English-German) at Cany Castle.

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Pour citer l'article

Marguerite DÉON « Clichés and cultural icons in Percival Everett's fiction »,
Lectures du Monde Anglophone / LMA, 1, 2015,
Percival Everett

© Publications Electroniques de l’ERIAC, 2015.