La théorie de la grammaticalisation et les données

Date : 10-11 Mai 2012
Horaire : 9h - 18h
Lieu : Maison de l'Université


>> Programme (pdf)


Jeudi 10 mai 2012 / Thursday 10 May 2012

8h15-9h15 Accueil / Welcome

9h15 10h30 Salle divisible Nord

9h15-9h30 Discours de bienvenue / Welcome speech

9h30-10h30 Séance Plénière 1 / Plenary 1
Elizabeth TRAUGOTT, Stanford University
Rethinking grammaticlization in the light of construction grammar

10h30-11h00 Pause-café / Coffee break

11h00-12h30 Salle divisible Nord

11h00-11h30 Mitsuko NARITA IZUTSU, Fuji Women’s University & Katsunobu
Izutsu, Hokkaido University of Education at Asahikawa
Path to (inter)sujectivity: exaptation and adaption

11h30-12h00 Kristin DAVIDSE, University of Leuven
Decomposing re-analysis: collocational extension and reclustering, structural
persistence and functional reinterpretation

12h00-12h30 Roser GAUCHOLA, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Effacement de l’agentivité et grammaticalisation en français et en espagnol

12h30-14h00 Déjeuner / Lunch

14h00-15h30 Salle divisible Nord

14h00-14h30 Dominique BOULONNAIS, University Paris 3
Exaptation in syntax

14h30-15h00 Debra ZIEGELER, University of Montpellier
The emergence of nominal modality as an effect of co-grammaticalization

15h00-15h30 Victor BAYDA, Moscow State University
Periphrastic verbal construction in Irish

15h30-16h00 Pause-café / Coffee break

16h00-18h00 Salle divisible Nord

16h00-16h30 Ailis COURNANE, University of Toronto
Experimenting with innovation in the domain of modality

16h30-17h00 Irene APPELBAUM, University of Montana
Grammaticalization and explanation

17h00-17h30 Jeremy COLLINS, University of Hong Kong
Grammaticalization and word order correlations

17h30-18h00 Taisa PERES DE OLIVEIRA, University of Mato Grosso do Sul
On the gradualness of adverbial conjunctions

20h15 Dîner de gala / Gala dinner
Le Rouennais
5 Rue de la Pie, 76000 Rouen



Vendredi 11 mai 2012 / Friday 11 May 2012

9h00-10h30 Salle divisible Sud

9h00-9h30 Andres KARJUS, University of Tartu
Out and beyond: grammaticalization of the exterior in the North-East

9h30-10h00 Hans BASBOLL, University of Southern Denmark at Odense
Danish Stod as evidence for grammaticalization of suffixal positions in word

10h00-10h30 Iwona KOKORNIAK & Malgorzata FABISZAK, Adam MICKIEWICZ
Grammaticalization of mental predicate constructions

9h00-10h30 Salle divisible Nord

9h00-9h30 Reijirou SHIBASAKI, Okinawa International University
More thoughts on the grammaticalization of personal pronouns

9h30-10h00 Liesbeth DEGAND & Deniz UYGUR, Université Catholique de Louvain
Communicative constraints on right-peripheral IalorsI : a contrastive study of
conversation, SMS, and chat

10h00-10h30 James CHANCHARU, University of Cambridge
Innovation and propagation of contact-induced grammaticalisation : A case
study of the tactile passive

10h30-11h00 Pause-Café / Coffee break

11h00-13h00 Salle divisible Sud

11h00-11h30 Cinzia RUSSI & Laura SECCIA, The University of Texas at Austin
The grammaticalization of nome in the Eastern

11h30-12h00 Kristel VAN GOETHEM, Université Catholique de Louvain & Dany
AMIOT, University of Lille 3
A hybrid case of grammaticalization and degrammaticalization: the emergence
of adjectival and adverbial constructions with limite ‘limit’

12h00-12h30 Lena BRÜJES, Leiniz Universität Hannover
Modal particles as a grammatical paradigm. The subparadigm of the
oppositive particles aber, doch, etwa, schon

11h00-12h30 Salle divisible Nord

11h00-11h30 Jennifer MCMANUS, University of Liverpool
On the grammaticlaization of English Maximising degree modifiers: the case
of utterly

11h30-12h00 Alexander HASELOW, University of Rostok
The grammaticalization of final particles in spoken English and German

12h00-12h30 Hélène MARGERIE, University of Bordeaux 3
The grammaticalization of NP ADJ ADJ/NP1 VB NP2 ADJ patterns

12h30-14h00 Déjeuner / Lunch

14h00-15h00 Salle divisible Sud

14h00-14h30 Jim WALKER, University of Lyons 2
The perfectivisation of the perfect : is it a case of grammaticalization, after all?
The challenge of pluricentrality and the problem of data

14h30-15h00 Frank LICHTENBERG, University of Auckland
Degrammaticalization in Toqabaqita

14h00-15h30 Salle divisible Nord

14h00-14h30 Peter OEHL, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg
Formalist and functionalist explantions of grammaticalisation – an
integrational approach

14h30-15h00 Xavier DEKEYSER
From Old English BUTAN to present-day BUT : a textbook case of

15h00-15h30 Graeme TROUSDALE
Some features of lexical constructionalization in English

15h30-16h00 Pause-café / Coffee break

16h00-17h00 Séance Plénière 2 / Plenary 2

Bernd HEINE, University of Cologne
On discourse markers: grammaticalization, pradmaticalization, or something